Top 5 Best Social Media Automation Tools for Marketers in 2022

By Vikas Kumar

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Social media has become an undivided part of our lives, and we can’t live without it nowadays because all of our friends, colleagues, family members are connected through it. Social media usage among us has increased, and many marketers, whether it’s bloggers, social media influencers, or entrepreneurs, use these platforms to promote their ideas or products. But sticking to Facebook, Twitter is not an ideal thing when you have plenty of things to manage. Like you can’t 24 hours of the day posting your favourite posts on FB, Instagram because of some obvious reasons. So we decided to create a list of the top 5 best social media automation tools to help you out.

Technology has evolved so much that nowadays it’s quite easy to use certain tools and manage things automatically. Social media automation tools are a great example of it because you can schedule your post, photos, etc on your social media platform using one of these tools and there is no need to manually manage everything. We will have to adapt to the dynamic changes around us and that’s why these automation tools are going to help you.

What’s Social Media Automation And How Can You Use It?

Social media automation means using AI-generated tools to manage your social media accounts. These tools are developed so that human intervention will be relatively less, and there is no need to worry about it. A computer-generated program will help you achieve your necessary objects like publishing posts, uploading photos or videos quite easily. There will be no flaws involved in these social media automation tools. You need to learn how to use them first, and then everything works smoothly.

Best Automation Tools for Social Media

Even though the internet is filled with tons of social media automation tools, we decided to dig into the comprehensive information and picked the best SM automation tools for you.

#1. Socialpilot

Putting things on autopilot mode is everyone’s dream, and if you are in the digital marketing field, consider yourself lucky because there are tons of tools to help you out. Socialpilot is one of those tools that can automate publishing the post, determining how the published post has performed and giving you more insights about the followers.

Have you ever wondered about those people who follow your social media accounts but never reacts to any of your posts?. Well, the social pilot is the tool that will help you locate all those idle members and gives you the accurate and correct information about social media accounts. When you learn about post engagement, it gives you a hint about what type of content you should post in the future. 

#2. Hootsuite

Professionalism builds up your character and helps you achieve the target which you set for yourself. Hootsuite is one of the best social media automation tools available in the market right now because of its excellent interface and unique features. The dashboard offered by Hootsuite gives you the required information about user engagement, suggestions on how you can further utilize your social media accounts too.

You cannot only schedule your SM posts, but you can see how your team to whom you have allocated the work is performing. You can also determine the ROI on specific products and check with the benchmarks you set and optimize it further. The graphical data is quite stunning and gives you exact information about your social media activity.

#3. Buffer

It would be unfair if we don’t place at the top of this list. Buffer is one of the best and useful applications for managing your social media accounts of yours. You can always choose to select, post, and edit the posts of your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and many other social media platforms. The user interface provided by them is quite simple, and everything comes under one umbrella.

The reason why so many digital marketers use buffer is because of their integration tool. You don’t have to sign in to everything to see the result of social media accounts. Auto syncing works best and gives you an accurate result of everything about your social media platforms. You can schedule your posts and publish them accordingly. Check the analytics to see how many people have seen, and their reactions to these give you an idea about how you can optimize your social media accounts.

#4. Sendible

Do you have lots of social media accounts, or the audience on your accounts is quite active? Then sendible is the platform that can help you. They have developed a perfect tool that will manage publishing posts, respond to the comments, and even give you a pre-set reply to your followers. Sendible’s user interface is quite good, and the analytical data will provide you with more insights about user engagement.

The option of collaborating with your partner, team and managing things on the social media platform is quite good on sendible. The living era is of AI, and you should never be left behind when it comes to managing your social media accounts more precisely.

#5. Workflow

Do you know that the most important thing to become successful in this world is Consistency, right?. Well, Workflow is that type of social media automation tool which will help you create the correct type of workflows for a continuous period. Whether it’s social media or your work, everything is connected through this unique platform.

You can integrate every activity of yours like daily working hours, daily publishing on the social media platforms and Workflow will take care of everything. There are plenty of great options available here, and you can optimize it to its fullest capability for your social media profiles. 


These are the top 5 best social media automation tools that can help you manage everything regarding your social media profiles. People are nowadays busy with their lives, and it becomes quite hectic to see SM accounts for every hour. So if you are hustling on other things and want to automate everything on your social media platforms, you can try these tools without any issues.

People are always sceptical about AI-based tools, but the websites mentioned above are trustworthy, and even though you will have to pay a certain amount for a better premium version, it will be worth it for sure. If you have any other suggestions, leave a comment down below; we will be glad to hear you out.

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